WMG Member’s Parallel ReportsTest2020-03-16T16:24:14+01:00

WMG Member’s Shadow Reports

Check out our member’s alternative/shadow reports in response to Voluntary National Reviews (VNR). Unless otherwise stated, the shadow reports are the sole product of the authoring member or organization. The WMG does, however, support the valuable advocacy and mobilizing work done by the members on the local, national and regional level through the process of holding their governments accountable.

31May. 2020

WMG HLPF 2020 Position Paper is Out!

May 31st, 2020|

Women's Major Group's 2020 High-Level Political Forum Sectoral Position Paper is out! "In order not to lose the gains and the promises of these anniversaries we commemorate, feminist, women’s, girl-le [...]

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