

The Women’s Major Group was created at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where governments recognized Women as one of the nine important groups in society for achieving sustainable development. The WMG is an official participant in the United Nations processes on Sustainable Development. Other processes use the major group or similar systems, with the WMG active in the processes of the United Nations Environment Program since 1996.

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Read the WMG 2021 HLPF Position Paper
11Jul. 2017

HLPF 2017: Sehnaz Bahçeci’s Intervention as an official speaker on “Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World”

July 11th, 2017|Advocacy, Agenda 2030, SDGs & the HLPF, Economic justice and trade, Finance, High Level Political Forum (HLPF), Issues, News, Peace, peacebuilding, conflict prevention, Processes, Resilience and social protection|

[ultimate_heading main_heading="HLPF 2017: Sehnaz Bahçeci's Intervention as an official speaker on Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World" heading_tag="h5" main_heading_style [...]

11Jul. 2017

HLPF 2017: Emilia Reyes’ opening remarks as an official speaker on “Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World-Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives”

July 11th, 2017|Agenda 2030, SDGs & the HLPF, High Level Political Forum (HLPF), News, Processes|

[ultimate_heading main_heading="HLPF 2017: Emilia Reyes' opening remarks as an official speaker on Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World-Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives" head [...]

11Jul. 2017

HLPF 2017: Meena Bilgil’s Intervention as Lead Discussant on the Session on SDG5

July 11th, 2017|Advocacy, Agenda 2030, SDGs & the HLPF, Capacity building / advocacy / empowerment / leadership, Child and adolescents’ rights Peace and security, Climate change, Data / Statistics Inter/faith, Economic justice and trade, Education & learning, Finance, Financing for Development (FfD), Food security / sovereignty & Nutrition, Forests & Biodiversity, Governance, Governance (Law), High Level Political Forum (HLPF), Human settlements / related, Issues, Land rights / tenure, Land, environment & climate justice, Law and justice, News, Organising and movement building, Processes, Sustainable agriculture, Sustainable consumption & production, Sustainable urbanization / human settlements, Water and Sanitation, Women’s human rights & sexual rights|

[ultimate_heading main_heading="HLPF 2017: Meena Bilgil's Intervention as Lead Discussant on the Session on SDG5" heading_tag="h5" main_heading_style="font-weight:bold;" main_heading_font_size="deskto [...]

10Jul. 2017

HLPF 2017: Jo Crawford’s QA Response on “Addressing Multi-Dimensions of Poverty and Inequalities”

July 10th, 2017|Advocacy, Agenda 2030, SDGs & the HLPF, Data / Statistics Inter/faith, Economic justice and trade, Gender-based violence, High Level Political Forum (HLPF), Indicators (UNSTATS), Issues, Macroeconomics / Beyond GDP, News, Organising and movement building, Processes, Women’s human rights & sexual rights|

[ultimate_heading main_heading="HLPF 2017: Jo Crawford's QA Response on Addressing Multi-Dimensions of Poverty and Inequalities" heading_tag="h5" margin_design_tab_text="" main_heading_style="font-wei [...]


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