Indicators (UNSTATS)2017-05-19T10:46:21+02:00

Indicators (UNSTATS)

The Women’s Major Group has actively engaged in the process to define the Global Indicator Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals by the Interagency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG), by developing indicator proposals that respond to the specific needs of women and girls and that challenge countries to make the transformative changes that are needed to achieve the SDGs.

In particular, the Women’s Major Group has called for indicators that are comprehensive and ambitious and live up to the ambition of the SDGs; that measure the change we hope to achieve, rather than rely on data that is already collected; that are both quantitative and qualitative in nature to more effectively gauge impact and social change; and that are disaggregated on various grounds in order to ensure no one is left behind, including on the grounds of sex, gender, age, disability, ethnicity, and geographic location, among other factors.

In March, the Statistical Commission endorsed the proposed indicator framework, but asked the IAEG to continue work on a number of indicators, particularly those focused on Means of Implementation. The Global Indicator Framework must be endorsed by the Economic and Social Council in July and the General Assembly in September before it becomes final.

More information about the IAEG and the global indicator process here

28Mar. 2017

Fifth Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs

March 28th, 2017|

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