Disaster Risk Reduction (ISDR)2017-05-19T10:46:20+02:00

Disaster Risk Reduction (ISDR)

Disaster Risk Reduction is closely linked to sustainable development as disasters can undermine sustainable development but prevention and reduction can propel sustainable development. Within the UN, UNISDR (UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) is the focal point in the United Nations system to ensure coordination and synergies among disaster risk reduction activities of the United Nations system and regional organizations and activities in socio-economic and humanitarian fields (GA resolution 56/195). The 2015 process to agree the 15-year Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction used the major group system.

The Women’s Major Group for DRR was a main actor in advocacy and capacity building, recognizing that gender and other inequalities result in differences in experiences, opportunities, responsibilities, assets, and impacts of disaster. The WMG continues to track implementation of Sendai, to ensure women’s leadership, women’s human rights, resource allocation and accountability remain at the center.

To join the WMG for DRR, email: Eleanor@wedo.org

More information about the DRR process here

13May. 2019

DRR 2019: Stakeholder Forum

May 13th, 2019|

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