Photo Credit: IISD

“[The HLPF] is where we should ensure that the roles of multiple actors, but particularly those of communities, social movements and civil society are clearly and substantively reflected in the Ministerial Declaration as well as in implementation. National experiences should be presented here – as a form of accountability. But this should also be the space where we hear about challenges and structural barriers that cannot be easily solved at national or regional levels, so that globally we can find ways to better achieve our common goals. But we fear that the HLPF is falling short of its mandate of being a space for accountability”.
Viva Tatawaqa (DIVA for Equality Fiji), WMG Organizing Partner, delivered her combined statement on behalf of the Major Groups and Other Stakeholders at the opening session at the High-level Political Forum, held in New York, at the UNHQ, on the 10th July.
Download the statement here.
Watch her speech here.