All you need to know about the HLPF 2018: access the recording here and download the presentation here.
SDG 7 – Energy: access the recording here and download the presentations from Daksha Vaja’s (Regional Community Science Centre Vadodara, India) here and Nozipho Wright’s (ENERGIA) here. Moderator: Eleanor Blomstrom (WEDO, USA). Webinar held on June 29th, 2018.
SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Settlements: access the recording here and download the presentations from Almudena Rodriguez’s (Asociación de Planificacion Familiar de Catalunya I Balears and Agenda2030 Feminista, Spain) here, Alana Livesey’s (Plan International, USA) here, Shaila Shahid’s (International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Bangladesh) here, Magdalena Garcia’s (Bufete de Estudios Interdisciplinarios A. C., Mexico) here and Eleanor Blomstrom’s (WEDO, USA) intro-presentation here. Moderator: Eleanor Blomstrom (WEDO, USA). Webinar held on July 3rd, 2018.
SDG 12- Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns: access the recording here and download the presentations from Daksha Vaja’s (Regional Community Science Centre Vadodara, India) here, Sascha Gabizon’s (WECF, Germany) here and the SDG12 Intro Webninar here. Moderator: Lean DeLeon (Women’s Major Group, USA). Webinar held on July 2nd, 2018.
SDG 15 & SDG 6 – Life on Land & Clear Water and Sanitation: access the recording here and download the presentations for SDG 15 from Gertrude Kenyangi’s (Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment -SWAGEN, Uganda) here, Katia Araujo’s (Landesa, USA/Brazil) here, for the SDG 6 from Nathalie Seguin’s (Freshwater Action Network, Mexico) here, Natasha Dovoska’s (Journalists for Human Rights, Macedonia) here and the SDG 15&6 Intro Webinar here. Moderators: Lean DeLeon (Women’s Major Group, USA) & Priscilla M Achakpa (WEP, Nigeria). Webinar held on July 6th, 2018.