

The Women’s Major Group was created at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where governments recognized Women as one of the nine important groups in society for achieving sustainable development. The WMG is an official participant in the United Nations processes on Sustainable Development. Other processes use the major group or similar systems, with the WMG active in the processes of the United Nations Environment Program since 1996.

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Read the WMG 2021 HLPF Position Paper
30May. 2018

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Eugeniy Lobanov ‘s intervention at Item 6 Environmental, social and economic costs and benefits of different response options

May 30th, 2018|Advocacy, Agenda 2030, SDGs & the HLPF, Climate Justice, Desertification & Disaster Risk Reduction, Land, environment & climate justice, News, Oceans, seas, marine, fisheries|

"I came from the region of the Baltic Sea, which has been subjected to various contaminants for over a hundred years and is often referred to as the most polluted sea in the world". Eugeniy Lobano [...]

30May. 2018

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Shahriar Hossain’s intervention at Item 5 National, regional and international response options, including action and innovative approaches, and voluntary and legally binding governance strategies and approaches

May 30th, 2018|Advocacy, Agenda 2030, SDGs & the HLPF, Climate Justice, Desertification & Disaster Risk Reduction, Land, environment & climate justice, News, Oceans, seas, marine, fisheries|

"We believe that our mind set should be changed and together we will achieve our common goal to #BEAT the PLASTIC POLLUTION at large". Shahriar Hossain (ESDO, Bangladesh) presented his combined st [...]

30May. 2018

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: David Azoulay’s intervention at Item 4 Barriers to combating marine litter and microplastics, including challenges related to resources in developing countries

May 30th, 2018|Agenda 2030, SDGs & the HLPF, Land, environment & climate justice, News, Oceans, seas, marine, fisheries|

"It is therefore critical that we avoid repeating some of the discussions to revisit the need to consider the full life cycle of plastics, including, but not limited to, waste management processe [...]

30May. 2018

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Imogen Ingram’s intervention at Item 6 Environmental, social and economic costs and benefits of different response options

May 30th, 2018|Advocacy, Agenda 2030, SDGs & the HLPF, Climate change, Land, environment & climate justice, News, Oceans, seas, marine, fisheries|

"We strongly support the reinforced call for prevention of plastic pollution as the primary focus of the outcomes recommended by the OEEG, to reduce environmental, social, and economic costs of p [...]

30May. 2018

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Imogen Ingram’s intervention at Item 4 Barriers to combating marine litter and microplastics, including challenges related to resources in developing countries

May 30th, 2018|Advocacy, Agenda 2030, SDGs & the HLPF, Land, environment & climate justice, News, Oceans, seas, marine, fisheries|

"We believe that marine plastic pollution should be prevented, not simply cleaned up afterward. In that respect, discussions on marine litter and microplastics need to consider upstream solutions [...]


28Nov. 2013

5th Session of Open Working Group (5OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Morning Hearing on Sustained and Inclusive Economic Growth

November 28th, 2013|2013, On Sustainable Development & Post 2015, Policy Statements, Position Papers|

Read Nicole Bidegain's (DAWN) combined position paper presented on behalf the Women’s Major Group, during the 5th session of the OWG on SDGs, held at the UN Headquarters from 25-27 November 2013. Down [...]

28Nov. 2013

5th Session of Open Working Group (5OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Infrastructure and Public-Private Partnerships

November 28th, 2013|2013, All Issues, On Sustainable Development & Post 2015, Policy Statements, Position Papers|

Read Bhumika Muchhala's (Third World Network) combined position paper presented on behalf of the Women’s Major Group, during the 5th session of the OWG on SDGs, held at the UN Headquarters from 25-27 [...]

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