Photo Credit: IISD

“Technology is crucial to accelerate the implementation of the sustainable development goals and consequently the 2030 Agenda, but we also want to stress the importance of respecting traditional or informal knowledge systems and we want to see the use of Science, Technology and Innovation in implementation of the 2030 Agenda, especially in achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls. The use of this potential is for ALL, not just for a few; women, men, girls and boys must be included! Right Here, Right now!”
Alla Kuvatova (NGO New Panorama) delivered her combined statement on behalf of the Women’s Major Group, during the 8th Meeting of the High-level Political Forum, on the Review of goals, thematic review SDG 17: Advancing science, technology and innovation for SDGs – Q&A, in New York, on 13th July 2017, at the UNHQ.
Download the statement here.
Watch her speech here.