“We believe we need to look at the impacts and costs of plastics from the wellhead to the ocean, and on health, biodiversity, climate, society and the economy at each stage. This includes looking at the impacts of fossil fuel extraction as primary feedstocks and the additives used in plastic production, as well as the impacts of the manufacturing process, the subsequent use and environmental release of the resulting plastic products, and their handling through various plastic waste management options”.
Lea Guerrero (NGO GAIA, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives) presented her combined statement on behalf of 6 Major Groups: Women, NGO, Children & Youth, Farmers, Indigenous Peoples, and Science & Technology major groups, at the Ad Hoc Open Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics, held in Nairobi, at the UN Office, on 30th May 2018.
Download the statement here.