[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Women’s 8 Red Flags: following the conclusion of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” heading_tag=”h5″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” margin_design_tab_text=””][/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”14″]

Adoption of Outcome a Significant Step but SDGs Still Lacking Real Ambition for Urgent Transformational Change the World Needs to Achieve Gender Equality, Women’s Human Rights, Sustainable Development in Harmony with Nature, and End Inequalities.

On Saturday 19th of July, the first phase of a 2-year policy process at the United Nations, in which member states proposed a new set of global goals for sustainable development, ended. These new goals will follow in the footsteps of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and will determine new commitments and funding for sustainable development.

The General Assembly’s (GA) Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) finished its mandate and submits a report with a proposal for sustainable development goals to the 68th session of the UN General Assembly as part of the “Post 2015” process. The SDG process has been inclusive of all Member States as well as the Women’s and other civil society Major Groups and we welcome this openness. We are convinced that civil society’s full and meaningful participation in decision-making is among the essential aspects of our new global development agenda.

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