[ultimate_heading main_heading=”UNEA 4: WMG Side Event on Why is Gender Important in Environmental Governance?” heading_tag=”h5″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;”][/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”14″]

Join the WMG at the side event on Understanding UNEA 4 resolution to promote gender equality, and the human rights and empowerment of women and girls in environmental governance: the 1st gender-focused resolution on the UNEA process.
Input by:
Janet Macharia (UNEP Gender and Safeguards Unit).
Yunae Yi (UNEP Safeguards Advisors).
Priscila Achakpa (Nigeria gender Delegates, WMG)
Date: 11 March 2019
Time: 4 pm
Veneue: Green Tent UNEA 4