Members of the Women’s Major Group presented their key issues on COP21 Paris Agreement at UNEP OECPR 2 meeting in Nairobi.
Isis Alvarez (Global Forest Coalition and WMG Organizing Partner) presented her statement Based on the Document: ‘Proposed resolution for UNEA on Paris Agreement ’ ‘A Reality Check on the Paris Agreement from the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC)’. Download here.
Caroline Usikpedo (Niger Delta Women’s movement for Peace and Development and WMG Organizing Partner) presented her statement on Cluster 2 Resolutions 1&3. Download here.
Download also the Final Statement presented by Brian Aberi on behalf of Major Groups and Stakeholders and Regional Representatives here.
Isis Alvarez (Global Forest Coalition and WMG Organizing Partner) presented the outline themes for UNEA 2, download here.
For the statement on Resolution 4, paragraph 12 on Multi-stakeholder partnership download here.