Inequalities are conditions by which marginalized individuals and groups lag behind in the enjoyment of one particular right due to lack of access to other rights such as decent jobs, food, housing, health, sexual and reproductive health rights, information, education, participation, physical integrity or judicial remedies. Inequalities predominantly affect individuals and groups suffering multiple human rights deprivations, such as a lack of decent jobs, food, housing, health, sexual and reproductive health rights, information, education, participation, physical integrity or judicial remedies.
Read the combined paper from Galina (Indigenous Peoples) Melisa, Shannon, Sarah, Sascha, Nicole, Hibist, María Graciela, Marcela (Women’s Major Group1), Hemsing (Beyond2015), Erica (Elderly peoples) for the intersectional Meeting between Major Groups and other stakeholders and the Open Working Group on SDGs, 22 November 2013.
Download here.