Regional Round Table III (Data and Monitoring), ECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (RFSD) 2017: Statements from Civil Society
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Members of the UNECE CSO civil society group delivered their combined statements during the Regional Round Table III (Data and Monitoring) Session, at the ECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (RFSD) held in Geneva, 25th April, 2017.
Download the Statements from:
Mariane Haslegrave (COMMAT) here. Watch her speech here.
“How can we bring data collection and implementation of the 2030 Agenda together and involve other stakeholders, including civil society organizations and academia?”
Sylvia Beales ((Stakeholder Group on Ageing) here. Watch her speech here.
“What is the reason behind the overall lack of data for left behind groups, including older people and people with disabilities, at national and country levels?”