Save the Date and Join the Temple of Understanding and the Women’s Major Group on this Side Event!!
This panel will consider the impacts of international trade on women’s empowerment in diverse countries, as well as the systemic human rights issues involved. We will explore the potential for trade to support Sustainable Development Goal 5 and be a tool to redress economic imbalances. Economic justice must be strengthened using research, data, education and effective implementation. UNCTAD’s research, mandate, potential and challenges will be presented.
We will consider the use of a human rights frame: the Human Right to Food and the Human Right to Water (SDG 6) are particularly relevant to women as small farmers and food providers. We will also address women’s ownership of land and/or resources and women’s unpaid labor. Women’s voices from India, El Salvador and the US will be brought in via a short film to frame the gravity of the concerns and call for an inclusive bounty.
Grove Harris, Temple of Understanding, moderating and introducing short film Roots of Change: Food Sovereignty, Women and Eco-Justice
Chantal Line Carpentier, PhD. Chief, UNCTAD New York Office
Kate Lappin, Regional Coordinator, Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD)
Respondents, with local/regional updates and promising practices
Location: Ex-Press Bar, 3rd Floor, UNHQ
Date: Monday, March 20
Time: 1:15-2:30 PM