29 May. 2018

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Christopher Chin’s Intervention at Item 5 National, regional and international response options, including action and innovative approaches, and voluntary and legally binding governance strategies


"a global framework will guide, inspire, and encoura [...]

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Christopher Chin’s Intervention at Item 5 National, regional and international response options, including action and innovative approaches, and voluntary and legally binding governance strategies2018-09-03T22:19:34+02:00
29 May. 2018

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Griffins Ochieng’s intervention at Item 4 Barriers to combating marine litter and microplastics, including challenges related to resources in developing countries


..."the rise in investment in false solutions (e.g. [...]

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Griffins Ochieng’s intervention at Item 4 Barriers to combating marine litter and microplastics, including challenges related to resources in developing countries2018-09-04T11:54:12+02:00
29 May. 2018

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Chelsea Rochman’s intervention at Item 4 Barriers to combating marine litter and microplastics, including challenges related to resources in developing countries


"We want to stress that the way we make plastic prod [...]

AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Chelsea Rochman’s intervention at Item 4 Barriers to combating marine litter and microplastics, including challenges related to resources in developing countries2018-09-04T11:38:09+02:00
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