[ultimate_heading main_heading=”AHOEEG on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics 2018: Christopher Chin’s Intervention at Item 5 National, regional and international response options, including action and innovative approaches, and voluntary and legally binding governance strategies” heading_tag=”h5″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:20px;”][/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”14″]

“a global framework will guide, inspire, and encourage effective national and regional action, keeping in mind that option 3 on the creation of a new global architecture also includes option 2 on increasing the impacts of existing global instruments., recognizing that existing global instruments are not enough and that a new framework still requires some overarching global governance mechanism”.

Christopher Chin (COARE/ USA) presented his combined statement on behalf of the joint position of six major groups: Women, NGOs, Children & Youth, Farmers, Indigenous Peoples, and Science & Technology, during Item 5 National, regional and international response options, including action and innovative approaches, and voluntary and legally binding governance strategies, held in Nairobi, at the UN Office, on 29th May 2018.

Download the statement here.