Food security / sovereignty & Nutrition
In sub-Saharan Africa, women are responsible for up to 80% of food production for own use, but competition for land with transnational corporations is increasing…
WMG @ UNEA delivers powerful statement at Leadership Dialogue of UNEA 5.1.
Carmen Capriles, on behalf of the members of the WMG @ UNEA, has delivered a powerful statement during the Leaders Dialogue of UNEA 5.1. on 23 February 2021. WMG @ UNEA focused on rights-holders prior [...]
Draft Short Report from Major Groups and Stakeholders from UNEA5
Last week, the Women's Major Group had a strong presence at the online consultations with Major Groups and other Stakeholders and the bureau of Member States for UNEA 5. Representing WMG, Isis Alvarez [...]
HLPF 2017: Masina Fusi Tietie’s QA Response to Taking forward the SAMOA Pathway
[ultimate_heading main_heading="HLPF 2017: Masina Fusi Tietie's QA Response to Taking forward the SAMOA Pathway" heading_tag="h5" margin_design_tab_text="" main_heading_style="font-weight:bold;" main_ [...]
HLPF 2017: Meena Bilgil’s Intervention as Lead Discussant on the Session on SDG5
[ultimate_heading main_heading="HLPF 2017: Meena Bilgil's Intervention as Lead Discussant on the Session on SDG5" heading_tag="h5" main_heading_style="font-weight:bold;" main_heading_font_size="deskto [...]
HLPF 2017: Viva Tatawaqa’s Opening Session Intervention on “Where are we in year two of implementation of the 2030 Agenda?”
[ultimate_heading main_heading="HLPF 2017: Viva Tatawaqa's Opening Session Intervention on Where are we in year two of implementation of the 2030 Agenda?" main_heading_style="font-weight:bold;" main_h [...]
Food Sovereignty and Women’s Rights
Read the combined position paper from Azra Sayeed (Roots for Equity) and Norma Maldonado (Tierra Verde 13 Aj, Guatemala) on behalf of the Women’s Major Group. “Women’s rights have been [...]
3rd Session of Open Working Group (3OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Food Sovereignty
Read Azra (Roots for Equity) and Norma's (Green Earth, Guatemala) combined position paper presented on behalf of the Women's Major Group, during the 3rd session of OWG on SDGs on food sovereignty. Dow [...]
3rd Session of Open Working Group (3OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Food Sovereignty
Read Norma Maldonado's (Tierra Verde (Green Earth), Guatemala) combined paper presented on behalf of the Women's Major Group, during the third session of the open working group on sustainable developm [...]
Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting- CSD17: Lesha Witmer intervention
Read Lesha Witmer's (Chair Commission SD Netherlands Women’s Council) statement delivered on behalf of the Women's Major Group, during the IPM session on CSD 17, held in New York, from 23-27 February [...]