[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Nominations for Women Major Group (WMG) Organising Partners now Open” heading_tag=”h5″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” margin_design_tab_text=””][/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”14″]

The Women’s Major Group are going to be nominating and electing new Organizing Partners for the WMG, starting their term in 2017. Below is a brief outline of the election process. Download the terms of reference (TOR) here.

Download the Application Form here.

We will have a Q&A call regarding the election at 8:00 am NY time, Wednesday, 21 December.

These past years the WMG was successful in influencing multiple spaces and mechanisms, primarily the 2030 Agenda. Despite the shrinking of civil society space and defunding of women rights and feminist organizations, the WMG was able to facilitate powerful statements, responses and in-person engagement. To continue to be more democratic, transparent and inclusive, we want to create opportunity for more balance across regions and themes, and to have continuity as well as a space for newcomers. Due to limited funding, such as not receiving any funding from the UN for coordination, the new set of OP’s will need to provide the basic needs of our group, facilitate engagement, monitor and influence what is happening at the national level, and secure more resources for our advocacy. English will be the common language for coordination.

The following will be the new process/ structure:

1. Nomination process

Candidates may self-nominate, but also need at least 2 organisations to support their nomination. Nomination forms need to specify the organisation and the person in the organisation.

2. Proposed election process

In 2014 we had an election committee which fulfilled its purpose, but now we believe we can transition towards a more direct process of elections. This is why we are going to do a direct election of all OPs via online ballot. Those who are on the advocacy list are allowed to vote (1 vote per organization. Global organisations with several offices still only get 1 vote.)

If some are not (yet) on advocacy, they can still join by filling out the survey, and then also sign up to vote. Please note that only civil society members (academia, NGO’s and others) can be part of the advocacy listserv.

Each voting member will be able to vote for 2 of the global OPs on the ballot, and then vote for 1 regional OP in the region you organize/ work in.

A winner has to have a minimum 20% threshold ex: if there are 10 votes, the winner must secure at least 2 votes.

2. Timeline

December 21 (Wednesday) – Conference call for inquiries

December 21 – Jan 14 Nomination period

January 20 – 31 – Voting period

By February 6 – Announcement of new OPs

3. Proposed OPs

The current structure of having 3 global OPs and 5 regional OPs has worked great so far, but because there is now more need to focus on national implementation and monitoring, we want more groups involved to extend the active membership of the WMG.

We will now have 2 global OPs (ideally one from the global south and global north). We will have space for 7 regional OPs. The regions are:

1.      Asia

2.      Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

3.      Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

4.      Africa

5.      Latin America

6.      Europe & Central Asia

7.      North America (Preferably NY based)