News & Events2021-10-20T17:37:28+02:00

News & Events

Stay informed about all news from the Women’s Major Group. Here you can find the latest articles, events, campaigns, tools and more related to sustainable development, Agenda 2030, sustainable development goals, indicators, the high level political forum, etc …

27Oct. 2019

Beijing25 Africa Review

October 27th, 2019|

“Business Insolite” pour l’examen de Beijing+25  par l’Afrique L’année prochaine, en 2020, alors que le monde marque les 25 ans de l’adoption de la BDPfA, il existe suffisamment de preuves pour montre [...]

16Oct. 2019

African Climate Change Summit 2019

October 16th, 2019|

Call for proposals for the Climate Change Summit - Africa, Accra - 16-17-18 October 2019! Since the Climate urgency is more pressing than ever and that the States pledges are insufficient, it is ab [...]

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