[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Climate Negotiations: COP 21″ heading_tag=”h5″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” margin_design_tab_text=””][/ultimate_heading]


* Sunday 8 – Tue 10 November: Informal negotiations at the conference centre of the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Paris, including a 1,5 hour session with Major Groups/Constituencies on Sunday

* Monday 30 November: Opening COP21 with Heads of States (Le Bourget)

* Monday 7 – Tue 8 December: High-level segment (Le Bourget)

* Wed 9 – Thu 10 Dec: Finalize negotiation text (Le Bourget)

* Friday 11 December: Close the COP21 (Le Bourget)