Former Facilitating Team Members, 2017 – 2023
The WMG is facilitated by a team of Organizing Partners at the global and regional levels and is supported by a small secretariat.

Priscilla Achakpa is the WMG Africa Organizing Partner and the Executive Director of Women Environmental Programme (WEP) Nigeria, an NGO founded by a group of grassroots women in Nigeria that addresses the gender injustices on issues relating to environment, economic and social rights of women, children and youths in the society.

Eleanor Blomstrom is a WMG Global Organizing Partner and the Program Director/ Head of Office of the Women’s Environment and Development Organization, a global women’s advocacy organization working for a just world that promotes and protects human rights, gender equality and the integrity of the environment.

Sivananthi Thanenthiran is the WMG Global Organizing Partner, and the Executive Director at the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW). ARROW is a global south feminist organisation focusing on SRHR and gender equality issues in the region.

Sascha Gabizon is the WMG Europe and Central Asia Organizing Partner and the Executive Director of Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), an international network of over 150 women’s and civil society organizations implementing projects in 50 countries and advocating globally to shape a just and sustainable world.

Rachel Jacobson is a WMG Global Organizing Partner and the Program Officer for International Policy at the International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), which advances the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and young people in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Misun Woo is the WMG Asia Organizing Partner and the Regional Coordinator for the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law & Development (APWLD), a network of 220 feminist member organizations and women committed to promote women’s human rights and use law as an instrument of social transformation.

Noelene Nabulivou is the WMG Pacific Small Island States Organizing Partner and the Political Adviser to Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality, a Fiji feminist collective and network of lesbians,bisexual women, trans men, transmasculine people and gender non-conforming women and people, working to affirm and protect universal human rights, and working with others on social, economic and ecological justice – building and sharing knowledge, experience and skills in local, national, regional, economic south and global spaces.

Emilia Reyes is the WMG Latin America and Caribbean Organizing Partner and the Program Director of Policies and Budgets for Equality and Sustainable Development at Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia, a feminist organization that promotes gender equality through law and policies and strengthens women’s leadership in political and social arenas.

Gunnarsson is the WMG Europe and Central Asia Organizing Partner and the Gender Expert, working on Policy & Communications at Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), an international ecofeminist network of over 150 women’s and civil society organizations implementing projects in 50 countries and advocating globally to shape a just and sustainable world.

Genevieve Riccoboni is the WMG Global Organizing Parter, from the USA, and is an Associate at the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. She coordinates communications and delegations of WILPF’s network of women peace leaders for the programme, and supports on research, monitoring, and advocacy work.

Nozipho Wright is the WMG Anglophone Africa Regional Organizing Partner and the policy advisor for ENERGIA International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy. ENERGIA is an informal network that works towards promoting policies and actions to recognize, validate and support women’s roles in sustainable energy development. ENERGIA strives to economically empower women by engaging them in energy supply chains and in using energy to increase productive activities and has aligned this vision with current global energy developments.

Buky Williams was the WMG Anglophone Africa Regional Organizing Partner from Jan – September 2021 as part of Education as a Vaccine (EVA), based in Abuja, Nigeria. EVA has 20 years of experience implementing projects that advance the right to health and freedom from all forms of violence of children, adolescents and young people, particularly women and girls.

As the WMG Post-2015 Program Associate, Lean Deleon supports coordination and logistics for the global network. Lean is a Philippine born, Bay-area raised, organizer committed to social movements. Lean loves community building, poetry, and queer feminist socialist decolonial praxis; and is committed to the national democracy in the Philippines and liberations of all people.

Andrea Vega Troncoso is part of the WMG Secretariat team, supporting coordination and logistics. She is also a Project and Communications Associate at the Women’s Environment and Development Organization. Andrea is an intersectional feminist from the Dominican Republic who grounds her work in care, relationality, and collective liberation.

Maitree Muzumdar is the Secretariat to WMG. She is a young feminist from India working at the intersection of art, law, policy and intersectional feminist movement building. Her work is foregrounded in human rights, focusing on gender and youth. She is the founder of Bootblack India, an independent alternative art collective, and founder of Feminist Manch, an Independent Action Research Initiative strengthening leadership of young women, girls and gender diverse youth in feminist policy advocacy.
Former Facilitating Team, January 2014 – December 2016

Priscilla Achakpa is the WMG Africa Organizing Partner and the Executive Director of Women Environmental Programme (WEP) Nigeria, an NGO founded by a group of grassroots women in Nigeria that addresses the gender injustices on issues relating to environment, economic and social rights of women, children and youths in the society.

Eleanor Blomstrom is a WMG Global Organizing Partner and the Program Director/ Head of Office of the Women’s Environment and Development Organization, a global women’s advocacy organization working for a just world that promotes and protects human rights, gender equality and the integrity of the environment.

Isis Alvarez is a WMG Global Organizing Partner of the Global Forest Coalition, an international coalition of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations defending social justice and the rights of forest peoples in forest policies. GFC participates in international forest policy meetings and organizes joint advocacy campaigns on issues like Indigenous Peoples’ rights, the need for socially-just forest policy and the need to address the underlying causes of forest loss.

Sascha Gabizon is the WMG Europe and Central Asia Organizing Partner and the Executive Director of Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF), an international network of over 150 women’s and civil society organizations implementing projects in 50 countries and advocating globally to shape a just and sustainable world.

Shannon Kowalski is a WMG Global Organizing Partner and the Program Officer for International Policy at the International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), which advances the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and young people in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Kate Lappin is the WMG Asia Organizing Partner and the Regional Coordinator for the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law & Development (APWLD), a network of 220 feminist member organizations and women committed to promote women’s human rights and use the law as an instrument of social transformation.

Nurgul Dzhanaeva is the WMG Central Asia & Europe Organizing Partner to Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan, works to consolidate and strengthen the Kyrgyz women’s movement towards gender equality and women’s empowerment, building partnership towards women’s equality, and increasing women’s participation in public life through their organizations and NGOs. They have experience advocating in Asia, Europe and at the Global level.

Emilia Reyes is the WMG Latin America and Caribbean Organizing Partner and the Program Director of Policies and Budgets for Equality and Sustainable Development at Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia, a feminist organization that promotes gender equality through law and policies and strengthens women’s leadership in political and social arenas.