[ultimate_heading main_heading=”10 Key Priorities for the 2017 Ministerial Declaration” heading_tag=”h5″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” margin_design_tab_text=””][/ultimate_heading]
  • Respect, protect and fulfill the human rights of women and girls
  • Protect and engage environmental and women’s human rights defenders
  • Address the underlying structures that foster inequalities
  • Reform and repeal discriminatory laws and policies
  • Create and strengthen gender-responsive public services
  • Recognize the links between the environment, women’s rights and gender equality
  • Recognize the links between gender equality and financing
  • Recognize women’s and girls’ autonomy and decision-making as critical to sustainable development and gender equality
  • Collect and use gender- and human rights-responsive data
  • Recommit to the universality of the agenda

Download here the full statement prepared by the Women’s Major Group on the 10 Key Priorities for the 2017 Ministerial Declaration.